LASSO-ENA Planning Workshop, 27-Jul-2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in the LASSO-ENA Planning Workshop on 27-Jul-2023. It was great to get feedback on how the LASSO team should approach implementation of the new LASSO-ENA scenario that will focus on marine boundary layer clouds at ARM’s Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) observatory on Graciosa Island.

The slides and recording of the workshop are available online at the provided links. In these, you can find more detail about our current thinking for

  • focal science questions,
  • modeling approach,
  • case date selection, and
  • observations to use.

Please take a look and continue to provide your thoughts. There are still many details to formally lock down, such as the specifics for picking case dates, model grid spacing(s), domain size(s), Lagrangian or Eularian domains, bulk and/or spectral bin microphysics, etc.

You can send input either through the Discourse forum or by emailing Bill Gustafson and Andy Vogelmann at